Now You Can Gain Insights Into All Major Health + Performance Areas Based 100% On Your Unique DNA From The Comfort Of Your Own Home!

No need to schedule a doctor's appointment. FINALLY available to everyone!

You're Only One Simple Swab Test Away From Your Guide To A Longer, Better Life!

Your Report Includes Insights Into ALL Major Health + Performance Areas


Through Just A Simple Swab Test, You Can Unlock Your Genetic Potential & Be On The Road To Living A Longer, Better Life!

Your Genetics Test is 100% Unique to You Based Solely on Your DNA & Will Include A Detailed Analysis on the Following:

Weight Balance

Manage weight concerns with information about appetite, metabolism, how your body uses energy, and predispositions to weight-related issues.

Fitness & Tissue Health

Exercise more efficiently and reduce your potential for injury with personalized performance insight from your genetic blueprint.

Heart Health

Identify potential contributors to impaired cardiovascular function through reliable genetic insights.

Hormone Health

Pinpoint the processes of how your body manufactures and breaks down hormones to better understand possible hormonal imbalances.

Brain Health

Confidently navigate mental health with a deep understanding of the way your brain functions.

Blood Sugar Regulation

Understand how your body regulates glucose and insulin based on your personal genetic results.

We Are Trusted By Doctors All Over The World!

How One Simple Test Is The Key To Truly Understanding Your Health:

The 3X4 Blueprint looks at 157 of your genes, revealing the decisions that have the biggest impact on your health and weight goals.

Through just a single swab test, you will gain access to a world-shifting health and wellness tool.

Understanding your individual genetic blueprint can guide us to make health choices that help us to live happier, longer, and better.

Don't Procrastinate When It Comes To Your Health!


3X4 Genetics In Action!

Vicky | Genetic Test for Migraine Headaches

3X4 Genetics' mission is to help over 100 million people around the world by giving them direct access to their own health. Without the insight into your health based on your own unique DNA, you cannot see the entire picture. This is true for everyone!

3X4 Genetics' mission is to help over 100 million people around the world by giving them direct access to their own health.

Without the insight into your health based on your own unique DNA, you cannot see the entire picture. This is true for everyone!

Our Founder - Dr. Yael Joffe

"By choosing to complete the 3X4 Blueprint, you are embarking on a journey of self-knowledge. You will get to know more about who you are and how you exist in the world around you.

You will understand how every decision you make every minute of every day will change the way your genes behave and drive you to or away from health."

Check Out How The Genetics Report Works Below:

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